Say Goodbye to Unsightly Facial Veins with Vascular Laser Treatments
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Say Goodbye to Unsightly Facial Veins with Vascular Laser Treatments

March 22nd, 2022 | By: Admin

At Associated Dermatologists, with locations in West Bloomfield, Commerce, Novi, and Berkeley, Michigan, our team of expert skin care providers can provide vascular laser treatment for a variety of conditions, medical or cosmetic.

Types of vein/vascular issues

Spider veins (telangiectasia) look like purple squiggles just under the surface of your skin, and appear when capillaries (the smallest veins in your body) begin to fail. These aren’t usually medically concerning, and they might not cause symptoms, but they may just make you feel self-conscious or anxious about their appearance. Laser treatment can break up the damaged capillaries and fade the squiggles away.

Rosacea is a common skin condition that causes blushing or flushing and visible blood vessels in your face. It may also produce small, pus-filled bumps. These signs and symptoms may flare up for weeks to months and then go away for a while

Red moles are small flat or slightly raised areas with a high concentration of capillaries. They are commonly known as cherry angiomas or Campbell de Morgan spots, and usually appear on the shoulders, torso, arms, and legs. These are typically harmless, but can be made less visible with laser treatment if their appearance bothers you.

Port wine stains are also a typically harmless capillary issue, and are usually visible at birth. The capillaries are enlarged and filled with blood, and the issue is concentrated in a single area, causing a dark reddish-purple “stain.” These are known as “vascular birthmarks,” and are common on the face or neck.

Laser treatment for vascular issues

All these types of vein issues can be treated with lasers, which cause microscopic damage to the vein, leading it to collapse in on itself and seal shut. The blood reroutes to a nearby, healthy vein, and the old vein slowly breaks up. Your body’s lymphatic system flushes it out as natural waste.

The Vbeam® Perfecta is a pulsed-dye laser (PDL) that sends micropulses of energy into your skin, targeting the hemoglobin but not affecting your skin cells.

Do you have vein/vascular issues? To schedule a consultation, call the office nearest you, or book online today.

We would love to get started on a solution that perfectly fits your needs.