Patch Testing - Associated Dermatologists in Berkley, Farmington Hills, West Bloomfield, Commerce, and Novi, Michigan
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Suzanne R. Merkle, MD, FAAD
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Medical Services
We have a wide range of services designed to address your specific skincare needs.
Conditions Acne
Actinic Keratosis
Eczema (Atopic Dermatitis)
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Treatments & Procedures Biologics & Topical Medications
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Cosmetic Services
Our cosmetic services are tailored to remedy your skincare needs.
Conditions Acne
Brown Spots and Discoloration
Enlarged Pores
Lines and Wrinkles
Sagging Skin
Unwanted Body Fat
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Treatments & Procedures Botox® & Dysport®
DiamondGlow® Microdermabrasion
Facial Fillers
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Laser Resurfacing
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Patch Testing

A skin test used to identify the cause of an allergic reaction.

Acne Actinic Keratosis Basal Cell Carcinoma Basal Cell Carcinoma Surgery Biologics & Topical Medications Botox® & Dysport® Brown Spots & Discoloration Chemical Peels Contact Dermatitis Coolsculpting® Dandruff DiamondGlow Eczema (Atopic Dermatitis) Enlarged Pores Excisions & Biopsies Facial Fillers Fungal Infections Hair Loss & Alopecia HydraFacial® IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) Therapy Kybella® Laser Hair Removal Laser Resurfacing Lines and Wrinkles Melanoma Microdermabrasion Microneedling Mohs Surgery Mole Removal Moles Patch Testing Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) Psoriasis Rashes Rosacea Sagging Skin Scars Seborrheic Dermatitis Skin Cancer Skin Rejuvenation Spider Veins Squamous Cell Carcinoma Unwanted Body Fat Vitiligo Warts Show More

What is it?

A patch test is a diagnostic procedure used to identify allergic reactions or sensitivities to specific substances. If you have an allergic reaction to something - the environment, air, materials or substances - and it’s causing a rash or itchiness, we recommend coming in for a patch test.  It’s important to note that patch testing differs from a skin-prick test, where we check for an immediate reaction. Skin allergies usually develop in hours or days, so a patch test checks for this specific type of delayed reaction.

What to expect

Once in our office, one of our expert dermatologists at Associated Dermatologists will provide you with an overview of the procedure. From there, small amounts of allergens — that “thing or things” causing your reaction — will be placed on your skin, and we’ll cover each with a patch. These patches will remain on your skin for 48 hours after application. These patches may cause itching and discomfort, but removing them (or wetting or loosening them) will yield inaccurate results. Once 48 hours have passed, we’ll have you return to our office, and we’ll remove and evaluate the skin under the patches. This follow-up visit allows us to pinpoint the cause of the reaction. From there, we create a treatment plan, which may include oral or topical medication(s), an antihistamine, a decongestant, eye drops or nasal corticosteroids. 

We may ask that you return to our office for a follow-up appointment to ensure we've identified and rectified your allergic reaction.   If you are experiencing what you believe are allergic skin reactions, Associated Dermatologists is here to help you through the entire process. Schedule your appointment with one of our board-certified dermatologists in Berkley, Farmington Hills, West Bloomfield, Commerce, and Novi, Michigan to treat your allergic reactions effectively.

We would love to get started on a solution that perfectly fits your needs.